Getting Your Trailer Ready For The Road
Trailer Before Repair
Winters can be long and dreary, especially in Minnesota. But once you’re ready to hit the road, you don’t want to get hundreds of miles away, stranded because your trailer broke down. Lucky for you, there are some easy ways to prevent any mishaps before you turn on the ignition. Read below for some tips on getting your trailer ready after a long winter.
You don’t have to wait until it’s warm to take your trailer out for a spin, but you do want to make sure your trailer is in good shape. Getting preventative and routine maintenance done on your trailer will not only extend the life of your trailer, but will also prevent accidents and mishaps on your next road trip.
Trailer During Repair
There are several things you can look for on your trailer that may raise a red flag. For example, any fractures or cracks in the frame could be dangerous if not taken care of. Also be sure to check your wheel bearings, as well as your brakes and lights. Some other things to look out for are the condition of your hitch, safety chains, air units, and more.
While some issues can be fixed will a trip to the hardware store and elbow grease, your best bet is to take your trailer in to your local dealership and have a certified technician do a full inspection and diagnosis of any issues you may have. M&G trailers has a full service trailer shop for doing just that, including repairs, upgrades, and customization. Our technicians offer same day service, or you can schedule an appointment ahead of time Monday – Saturday. If you need some help with your trailer, call 763-316-4006 or visit our website here.